Sunday, March 1, 2009

061: Free #03 It Must Be Love

Blast it all anyway! I really want a longer lens and a good one, too!
This is one of those "poses" you just don't see very often.
I'm disappointed in the quality of the shot,
but these two lovebirds all fluffed out just had to be blogged anyway!


  1. You did a great job with the equipment ythat was available! I like it; the tangle of branches adds a lot of interest and you might have lost that if you had been able to pull in closer to the birds. And it has a lot of potential as a part of another composition--maybe as a neat corner treatment if you get a larger shot of a solitary heron.

  2. Great shot! Love the herons and the way they stand on the branches. Glad you had your camera for this one even if you don't have the long lens.

  3. What a capture! Fantastic

  4. Wow, I can't believe you caught this! I love it!

  5. what an awesome capture perfect timing

  6. That's a once in a lifetime find. Great shot even without a long lens!!

  7. How wonderful to have captured that even if it didn't quite meet your expectations. Great job!

  8. You do what you have to do with what you have on hand. You got the once-in-a-lifetime shot anyway! Incidentally, I want one of the longest lens my camera can carry....I want the Hope diamond, too. Do you think I will get either?

  9. Congratulations on a great capture.

  10. I'm speechless...this is so amazing! Beautiful!!

  11. Excellent picture! Once in a lifetime chance and you got it!

  12. Ditto to all of the above.

  13. It's so sweet...and the composition is stellar.

  14. This IS beautiful - a great capture, and I love your free theme.

    We are often harder on our own photos - I think this is lovely, and wonderful that you were able to capture it.

  15. I agree with Tracy. I think this is a great capture. Head back to the Village and read Mike's post about "lessons learned" and you'll be happy you had a chance to grab this! :-)

  16. This is serendipity in action - to capture those two wonderful herons. Who cares about the longer lens? This is just right.

  17. A ditto of all of the above and besides the softness just adds to the romance ;-)
