Sunday, May 17, 2009

137: #042 Celebration

Gregory's 6th birthday was Friday and we celebrated Saturday.
I cropped it close -- the better to see the smoke as the candles winked out.


  1. It is good to see you didn't use those candles that you can't blow out like we did to Sally. May the force of Six Be With Gregory.

  2. Happy Birthday to Gregory! I love the smoke tendrils Good catch.

  3. You caught the smoke of the candles perfectly. I love the expression on Gregory's face, he's obviously ready to dig in! Happy Birthday to him!

  4. Happy birthday Gregory!! He looks so happy and a Star Wars cake too!! Fabulous catch on the smoke.

  5. Wonderful photo! Like the smoke and Gregory's expression.

  6. Looks like he gets his wish! A great memory and what a fun picture!

  7. Great smoke tendrils! And is that Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader? A really nice poratrait of the Birthday Boy.

  8. Happy birthday! Great portrait...he looks like he is thoroughly enjoying his 6th birthday experience!

  9. Wonderful portrait of the birthday boy. The smoke tendrils are um.. icing on the cake.

  10. Tell Gregory I wish I could have a cake like that! I love the expression of six year old bliss on his face.

  11. Happy Birthday, Gregory! He looks like he had a super birthday. I like your choice to get up close so we could see the candles and smoke in such detail and enjoy his happy face.
