Wednesday, September 30, 2009

255: #280 Shopping

Holey smoke (or holey shoes)! Mom needs to take Gregory shopping for new shoes!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

254: Free #18 - Change

Well, Autumn is here and the leaves are starting to change color.

Monday, September 21, 2009

253: #244 Public Transportation

Lolly the trolley is a tour bus for hire...

252: #222 Paint or Painted

Nice paint job!
Another car at the balloon festival.

251: #327 Thrilling

There were carnival rides to provide some thrills on the ground
at the balloon festival.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

250: #331 Times Gone by

I remember...
when white wall tires were the coolest!

Classic cars at the balloon festival.

249: #091 Fairs or Amusement Parks

I went to a balloon festival today. This big balloon was partially inflated, but the weather was threatening rain and the balloon launch was cancelled. Too bad. There were lots of them in trucks and trailers all ready to go and it would have been a great sight to see twenty or more balloons in the air.

Maybe next year.

248: #215 Ornate

This beaded lamp shade is ornate!
It wasn't a clear enough photograph so I used poster edges to sharpen it up.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

247: #163 Kids These Days

These kids just love performing in the marching band!
These shots were at the pre-game performance.
I didn't last for the half-time show and after the sun went down
I didn't get anything but blurry shots anyway.

It wasn't easy to spot my granddaughter from the stands. They're all dressed alike and the hats make it even harder to find her! From where I was sitting I needed her Mom to find her for me. One of the things I love about photography is that the camera can see what I can't with my aging eyes! I don't know if the flag-like sashes were just for 9/11 or if it's part of the usual uniform.

This football game was on 9/11 and they paid a little tribute to those who lost their lives. The trumpet player in the front stepped out and after a moment of silence he played "Taps".

246: #358 What's Inside?

This praying mantis on my door screen is probably wondering
"what's inside?" and "how do I get in?"

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

245: #038 Button

Gregory is in first grade now and he still has major problems with hand control so they (parents, therapists, and school, I think) are trying to teach him to touch the right buttons on a computer to answer questions.

Daddy set up a computer for him in the playroom with a special keyboard and a game to play for starters.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

244: #047 Childhood Antics

Well, if the slide has curves and a way to make a bridge,
that makes a new fun game for two!

Monday, September 7, 2009

243: #267 Sandy

242: #309 Summer Fun

Labor Day stayed rain-free this afternoon and the kids went out to play.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

241: #285 Silver and Gold

A bracelet in stripes of silver and gold -- shiny and matte.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

240: #353 Water

Well, water lilies are in the water!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

239: Free 17 - Gone Fishing

This great blue heron was patiently waiting for a fish or a frog.
I think a frog is more likely in the algae filled canal.

238: #028 Blue

There are red and blue berries on the Towpath Trail.
I guess summer is almost over...

237: #190 Multiples

I have no idea what this lovely little wildflower is.

In post-processing I was equally charmed by the bokeh with hints of the colors of the plant itself.

236: #313 Swim

Swim, little duck!
You're all grown up now!